My Tilley Hat

IMG_4671I really love my Tilley hat. I bought it down it “Key West” on Duval Street. Guaranteed for life not to wear out, or they will replace it for free.  Now I want another one in another color of course. Maybe for my birthday my wife and kids will get me another one.

Why wear a hat? When you spend a long time out in the sun you need something to protect you head from sunburn and you from overheating. A Tilley has a airflow ridge at the top of the crown of the hat. You can machine wash it, and for the Guarantee for life. There is a story of an elephant trainer having his Tilley eaten 3 times by an elephant. Each time he’d dig through the shit and get his hat back. He’d wash it and keep wearing it. The Tilley company offered him a brand new hat for the one the elephant shit out but he refused and is still wearing the same hat.

If you read the blog or watch the YouTube channel (you should) you will see me wearing the hat everywhere I go!

Rock On!

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