Cookin’ In a Milk Can

xlargc__08261.1345434542.1280.1280The milk cans come in various sizes, the biggest being 10 1/2 gallons. That can is about 3 1/2 feet tall and about a foot in diameter. I personally would by a new one and then you’ll have something to pass along to generations to come. I don’t know if I’d trust a used one from someone I didn’t know.

They have enough room for Cyberhobo to put in ~25 lbs of potatoes (I like the little red ones), ~a bunch of carrots, ~maybe peppers, ~some people add some onions, ~and several roasts. Spice everything to your liking’ , added some water and put it over a propane burner with the lid slightly cracked to allow the steam to escape and slow cooked it for several hours. You can smell it all over the property when it’s cookin’. When everything is done, the roasts will be so tender they fall apart with your fork and the vegetables should be done – but not mushy.

People and Hobos have been cookin’ these dinners for years! Try a milk can dinner for your next family / friend gathering and see how it is. I bet a tradition starts.

The downside to the milk can / cream cans is they’re not cheap. This one cost $239.00 (I got FREE shipping) but I’m sure my grandkids will be cooking dinner for their grandkids out of it. Talkin’ about how ol’ grandpa bought the dang can bang in 2013.

Here is a link to the cans “TheĀ Ogallala Cream Can Supper Company

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