Isn’t this System GREAT!

Everyone cracks on Hoboes when 47% of Americans are in worse shape that we are. A Hobo or CyberHobo “will work for food”. We’ll do odd jobs such as cutting lawns, raking, chopping firewood, etc. A true Hobo does not ask for FREE handouts, we don’t turn them down either. But in the election process it was brought out the 47% of Americans are dependent upon the government. Does that mean 47% of Americans are “Bums?”

A Hobo is a person that travels to work
A tramp is a person that travels and won’t work
A bum is a person that will neither travel or work!

I was in the store buying some lunch meat, cheese, and bread. While at the counter I made small talk with this older man. I was noticing this other drunk looking guy getting some subs made up. Boar’s Head meat and cheese, and had extra meat put on two of the sandwiches. They looked great too! We both finished at the same time, him getting his sandwiches and me my storebrand lunch meat, cheese, and I splurged on Bunny Bread. (life is good)

Coincidentally I got behind him in the checkout line. His totally with a large soda was $33.22. As he was complaining to the cashier on how much cigarettes were, he pulls out his EBT (food stamp) card. WTF… my family is eating store lunch meat because after working all week I can’t afford “Boar’s Head”. How is this possible? I work everyday, don’t smoke, can only have a few drinks a month, I eat soup and a PB&J everyday for my lunch (or leftovers), and buy a lot of my cloths from the Goodwill.  I was so discouraged I almost laid my stuff down and walked out. As I walked out the door I noticed he went into the liquor store next to the grocery. I had to walk past and look in to see what he was getting… yep, a carton of ciggs, and a 12 pack of Nature’s Best.

My total came to $12.70 and all I could think of is,  “WOW, I really need to quit my job and go on welfare and let the government take care of me..”

So the next time you see a Hobo asking to do odd jobs and their wearing ragged clothes, maybe a little dirty, remember he is not asking anything for free… and that puts him in the other 53%

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