Irena Sendler – #1 of My Hero’s


I was asked who my Three HERO’s in life were… I had to think for a few minutes but Ms. Sendler is #1irena-sendlerIrena Sendler was a Polish Roman Catholic nurse/social worker who served in the Polish Underground during World War II, and as head of children’s section of Zegota, an underground resistance organization in German-occupied Warsaw. Assisted by some two dozen other Zegota members, Sendler smuggled some 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto and then provided them with false identity documents and with housing outside the Ghetto, saving those children during the Holocaust.

But the Nazis became aware of Irena’s activities, and on October 20, 1943 she was arrested, imprisoned and tortured by the Gestapo, who broke her feet and legs. She ended up in the Pawiak Prison, but no one could break her spirit. Though she was the only one who knew the names and addresses of the families sheltering the Jewish children, she withstood the torture, that crippled her for life, refusing to betray either her associates or any of the Jewish children in hiding. Sentenced to death, Irena was saved at the last minute when Zegota members bribed one of the Gestapo agents to halt the execution. She escaped from prison but for the rest of the war she was pursued by the Nazis.

For many years Irena Sendler – white-haired, gentle and courageous – was living a modest existence in her Warsaw apartment. This unsung heroine passed away on Monday May 12th, 2008.

If this lady didn’t meet Sainthood I don’t know who would… God Bless You Ms. Sendler

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