Q. How can I make money as a CyberHobo?
A. hmm… Design website, fiverr.com, eBay, craigslist, day labor agencies, write a book, perform webinars, speeches, do drawings, artwork, pose for art, what crafty things can you do? There is always a male gigolo!
Question: What is your real name?
Answer: Richard
Question: What do you do in the real world?
Answer: I talk a lot. Some damn fool pays me to do that.
Question: What do you do for fun?
Answer: I try to make everything I do fun. I work quite a bit(It’s fun to me), I like to think I’m an amateur photographer, I exercise (not enough), and ride a motorcycle. Sometimes I walk around and let the babies look at me.
Question: Why the Webite?
Answer: Everyone’s has an answer for this. Some say that it’s feeding an ego and/or showing off. While I have to admit that these are, in part, good reasons, I do it to communicate who I am. It’s funny how I can’t seem to do this in real life. It’s like my need to express who I am conflicted with my introversion. With this website, I can express myself and still maintain a little distance from people. The Internet was made for people like me.
Discovering the web in March of ’92, I’ve sort of become addicted to some people and their online journals. I see a little bit of myself in these people and identify with them.
Question: Do the babes really go for CyberHobo’s?
Answer: Yep! It’s a curse that we have… (hmm, maybe that was just a dream).
Question: How do you get all the tributes from the babes?
Answer: Hmm… not quite sure, maybe they’ve seen me and want me real bad? lol I think they’re just teasing me.
Question: How often do you update this garbage website?
Answer: We try to update at least every-other day or week. We have been known to update 5 times in a week and we have every otherto skip one depending on what’s happening here. And believe me, it’s happening!
Question: Where do you get your ideas from?
Answer: Icehouse beer and Jose Cuervo Especial, as much as I sponsor them, they should sponsor me!
Question: What kind of ride do you roll?
Answer: Ford Truck, Harley Davidson Electra Glide
Question: If you’re traveling and out of money how do you eat?
Answer 1: I’m a CyberHobo, not a typical Hobo…duh. I eat at restaurants, cook buy the fire in the evenings, eat with friends. I’m typically not begging for food.
Answer 2: Dumpster Dive, homeless shelters, soup kitchens
Also, Taco Bell has some of the cheapest and fulfilling foods.
Question: How much does a web-design cost?
Answer: I pay about $50 per year for the site. (name and hosting)
Question: Do you ever get dehydrated while on the road?
Answer: Yes, that’s always a major concern. Carry a reusable water container in your backpack, it will help you keep from dehydrating because you can refill it at most fast food restaurants or gas station.
Question: Have you ever felt threatened or gotten scarred?
Answer: Both, especially after dark. Never try and be alone with anyone after dark, unless you know them very well. Also, keep a weapon close, like a knife. It’s better to give up your bag rather than die for it. Remember, just because you’re a guy you can still get raped. It’s best to spot out a campsite in private and sneak off once the sun starts to go down.
Question: Are you gay or something?
Answer: I don’t think so? Why are you trying to hit on me?
Question: Are you a drunk?
Answer: I have an occasional drink but I don’t think I’m a drunk. I drink maybe 1 or 2 per month. What is wrong with being a drunk as long as I’m productive in society and don’t ask you to pay for it? But send money to the donation link and I’ll a few on you.
Question: Are you a fucking homeless guy begging money?
Answer: You can send me money if you’d like! But no, I’m just a guy who travels around on his motorcycle seeing the sites and enjoying like. oh… and fuck off asshole. I don’t beg but I’ve probably given your mama a few bucks before.
Interesting site- great advice and approach for adaptable and intelligent hobos who are willing to learn new things. I have been exploring the possibilities of “The Professional Student”, which if you think about it is close spiritual kin to a hobo. I consider that a professional student is basically a Hobo who goes to class and doesn’t travel as much. But, that may be what summer vacation is for…. I’ll check out Spring Hill too, I have relatives in Leesburg. God bless and God speed Richard.