Web Site Development

Mr.Know-it-All, is looking forward to working with you on your new Web Site. We know that jumping onto the Information Superhighway can be a frightening and frustrating venture, but with millions upon millions of people going On-Line every day, the results are well worth efforts. We have devised a system to guide you through this process and facilitate the Design and Production of your Site. Designing your custom Web Site is easier than you think.

First of all, you have to ask yourself, What do I want to accomplish? There are many reasons to go online. It can be for advertising purposes, for sales purposes, to provide client support with frequently asked questions, to display product information in order to reduce mailing, etc. The reasons to be on the Internet are endless.

Once you have a clear idea of why you are going online start dividing your information and graphics into sections. Always try to be as brief and to the point as
you can. People online are not the patient type and often will leave a site with too many graphics that take too long to download or lots of text filled with non-useful details. A successful site is one that downloads fast, provides useful information in well organized an easy to navigate interface and contains eye-catching graphics. Your Web Site can have as many pages as you think are necessary to do business effectively. Here are a few recommendations to get you started. We encourage you to add or vary to this list.

Home Page: This is the first page and usually the most important, It lets the viewer see what you’re all about. Think about it as the cover of your brochure.

-Links Page: This links you to other pages with related information. If someone links you from their site you should link back to them.

-Quote Page: Potential customers can fill out a form to get a quote.

-Contact Page: Potential customers fill out a form to ask questions to receive future contact. You should ask the best time to contact them.

-F.A.Q Page: Frequently asked questions that customers often make.

-Product Page: Display products and explain their functionality.

-Tips Page: Here you can inform your clients how to use your products or
services better.

-Information Page: Here you can display anything, from your resume to a
press release.

-Service Page: Inform your client on how to obtain your services and
what is offered.

-Directions Page: Display a map on how to get to your business or models.

-Instructions Page: Explain how your product or service works.

-Order Page: Customers fill out a product or service form that will be
e-mailed to you.

-Offers Page: Display the products or services that are on sale.

-Product Sample Page: Display samples of your work or products.