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Hobo Pictures

Hobo 1

Hobo 2

Hobo 3

Hobo 4

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5 x 7
$2.99 (plus $0.75 *shipping)
4 x 6
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Hobo 5

Hobo 6

Hobo 7

Hobo 8

Hobo 9

Hobo 10

Hobo 11

Hobo 12

Hobo 13

Hobo 14

Hobo 15

Hobo 16

Hobo 17

Hobo 18

Hobo 19

Hobo 20

Hobo 21

Hobo 22

Hobo 23

Hobo 24

Does any recognize any of these?

They were the "Tramps" who are part of the President Kennedy assassination conspiracy. The tall one in the middle is Woody Harrison father.