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So Many People have wanted to know about being a CyberHobo that I added a section for Wannabee's

If you like any of these and feel a need to donate some money, Please send it to
18344 Normandeau Street
Spring Hill, Florida 34610
Cajun Recipes: Some of my Cajun Recipes
Jar Recipes: The Cyberhobo made these for Christmas Gifts for his Friends and Family
(230+ of them Free!) .pdf format
Crockpot Recipes: Enjoy the 550 crockpot recipes. (Free!) .pdf format
Popcorn Recipes: - Name says it all!
CyberHobo's Fudge Recipes
Cyberhobo's Camping and Jungle Guide to the Internet : Comming Soon! .pdf format
These Recipes are done by the Cyberhobo, some have been appropriated. I don't expect anything for them. A Hobo travels to work! Enjoy them and if you like them then I made a Friend - that's what the internet is all about... but hey, send money if you like (please), or naked pictures of women.