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So you want to be a CyberHobo....?
Well before decided to hit the road start gathering up what you'll need, tent, cloths, blanket, transportation, etc. Are you going by foot, car, train, or my prefered method... Motorcycle! Sell everything you have and work like hell till you leave and save everything!
Get a website and blog, or twitter account, going so family and friends can keep in touch with you. A laptop is super-cool but most public libraries have computers you can use. Ask them to sponsor you for $1.00 per week for your adventure!
Get an address book and get every family member, friend, friend or family and friends, etc. Get there email, phone numbers as well. A soft couch or cot and water hose is better than sleeping in the woods every now and then .
I recommend a digital camera and a free flickr.com account as well. It will be nice to document the journey.
The most IMPORTANT thing.... you attitute! You need to be as happy and entertaining as possible. A smile will feed you some nights. Remember your NOT homeless, you're a CyberHobo going on an Aventure of a lifetime!.